"A Small Explanation written By Rockmods to Let you Understand the Meaning of APK Terms Easily."
Recently Google Changed the Process of publishing of Apps on Play store, Before 2016, There was only 1 apk, that used to be uploaded on Play Store, That App used to contain
1. Main App UI Resources
2. Main App Code(Smali Code)
3. All resolution Graphics (mdpi, hdpi, xhdpi, xxhdpi, xxxhdpi)
4. All Languages Resources (En, ru, be, in, zh, vi, and 20-30 more)
5. All Architecture Libraries (Arm + Armv7 + Arm64 + X86 + x86_64 + Mips + Mips_64)
But After 2016, The Process is changed and Apps were started publishing on play store acco to device Architecture.
Eg- 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + [Arm/Armv7/Armv8/x86/x86_64/Etc]
It Resulted in Lite app size and easy to run on all Phones.
And Now Currently, Google Has Started a New Process of Publishing App in split apk Bundles. Means The developer will Provide The App In Bundles to Google. The Bundle contains different File for everything.
There are 4 type of bundles in the App.
1. Main App
2. Languages File bundles
3. Screen resolution Bundles
4. Architecture Bundles
So Now if You install any app from Play store, it will pick 4 specific bundle acco to your Phone.
Eg- Main App + English Bundle File + Xhdpi Graphics File + Arm64 Architecture File
and it will install all in Your Phone and the App size is reduced almost 50% Now and many apps can run easily in low end phones too.
But the issue Started when you backup the installed app, It will backup only main app Only without lang, Graphics & architecture, and won't work if you install the apk file in any phone.
★ Here the Apk Terms Need to be Written-
1. SAI Package-
SAI(Split Apk Installer) was the first app to backup the whole app package(1+2+3+4+5) as a zip/apks formet. And You can reinstall the app and it will install all bundles and the app will run properly. So Modders use to backup those package, unzip them, mod the main app and zip them again and upload the apks/zip file to be installed via SAI.
Right Now Some websites provide their own encrypted App bundles & Installer.
[Eg Apkmirror app Bundles are apkm formet and need apkmirror installer app to install the App in your Phone.]
[Youtube Vanced Manager also Download Vanced App split bundles and install via vanced Manager]
2. SAP-
These SAI Package(apks/zip) can be converted into single APK file by Many PC/Mobile tools like Java Command, SAP Tool By Kirlif or Antisplit By Mr.aksi and APK Files created by Merging the split apks Bundles into 1 Apk. That APK is called SAP APK [StandAlone Package].
Many Modders Provides Official SAP Turned Apk with all lang, dpi and Arch , so that Other Modders can mod the app easily.
Means The Package needs SAI app to install
No Need of Any Installer, Simple Repacked APK, Can be installed Easily
Multilanguage, Contains All Language, Provided by Developer
SAP APK/APKS BUNDLE has only EN, RU languages
App can be installed in All Arm and Arm64 Devices (Arm64 devices support Arm too)
Better compatible, fast & stable for arm64 devices
APK/APKS contains support for xhdpi and xxhdpi screen resolutions
- Armeabi (Very Old Phones, Smallest and oldest Libs)
- Armeabi-v7a(Before 2016 Processors, Smaller Libs than Neon and Arm64)
- Armeabi-neon(v7+v5 Merged, For Latest & Upcoming Processors, Larger libs than Arm, armv7 & arm64)
- Arm64-v8a (Larger Libs Than Arm & Armv7)
- x86, x86_64 (Android TVs + Asus Old Phones with Intel Processors)
- mips, Mips_64
1. No Difference
eg- Details of Arm apk and arm64 apk are exact Same. Eg IDM+
2. Adding in Version name-
eg- v8.2.0-armeabi-v7a, v8.2.0-Arm64-v8a
3. Adding in Version Code Ascending Order-
Arm: v8.2.0 Build 8201
Arm64: v8.2.0 Build 8202
x86: v8.2.0 Build 8203
Eg- Zarchiver, Power browser
4. Adding in Version Code Ascending Series-
Arm- v8.2.0 Build 122000820
Arm64- v8.2.0 Build 133000820
Eg- MX Player
The Timing of Changing the Publishing Process can be little bit different than Told here, Please Feel Free to Correct Us. ❤️
Thank you