[Exclusive] PPTool v1.8 for Termux


Reverse engineering tool for flutter APKs
PPTool finds the loading addresses of a Dart object in libapp.so through its pool pointer offset and allows for object replacement..

App Name PPTool
Latest Version 1.8
Size 100 KB
Category Tools
Developer Kirlif'
Mod Info Nothing Required
Requires Android 7.0 + Termux + Python3.12 & up
Get it on

★★★ Changes ★★★
- search no longer relies on the destination register
- Made By Kirlif, Release By RBMods

★★★ How to Use ★★★
Install Termux & install Python in it. After that

dpkg -i path/to/pptool_1.7_ARCH.deb

dpkg -r pptool

pptool [-h] [-v] [-c] [-d] [-p PATCH] [-t TARGET] [-f] libapp offset [offset ...]

Two positionnal arguments:
    libapp: path to libapp.so
    offset: pool pointer offset to be searched (can be multiple)
            sequence of prefixed "0x" hex strings

    -c use default color
    -d don't display disassembly but only addresses and offsets
    -h, --help show help message and exit
    -v, --version show program's version number and exit

Patch options:
    -p PATCH, --patch PATCH
                        specify a pool pointer offset for replacement
                        prefixed "0x" hex string
                        the offset argument must have a single element
                        arm: 0x6 < offset < 0x100000 ; offset mod 4 = 3
                        arm64: 0xf < offset < 0x1000000 ; offset mod 8 = 0
    -t TARGET, --target TARGET
                        specify an address to apply the change to
                        (all those that match by default)
                        must be used for each targeted address
    -f overwrite the library othewise create libapp-mod.so

Each option can be placed either before or after the positional arguments.

[Basic Search] pptool path/to/libapp.so 0x8880

[Multiple Search] pptool path/to/libapp.so 0x8880 0xad98 0xdac0

[Basic Replacement] pptool path/to/libapp.so 0x8880 -p 0xedf0

[Targeted Replacement] pptool -p 0xedf0 -t 0x12345 -t 0x23456 path/to/libapp.so 0x8880

About the results displayed:
---------- pp+0xedf0 ----------


・1 0x3f4e04 0x3f4e94 0x90
           add x17, x27, 0xe, lsl 12
           ldr x17, [x17, 0xdf0]

Colomn FUNCTION: adresss of the function loading the dart object  
Colomn OBjECT: loading adress of the dart object  
Colomn OFFSET: difference between first and second
Displaying disassembly

Download File (Arm)-Main LinkAlternate LinkDownload File(aarch64)-Main LinkAlternate Link

== Required Termux & Python ==
Termux combines powerful terminal emulation with an extensive Linux package collection.

• Enjoy the bash and zsh shells.
• Manage files with nnn and edit them with nano, vim or emacs.
• Access servers over ssh.
• Develop in C with clang, make and gdb.
• Use the python console as a pocket calculator.
• Check out projects with git.
• Run text-based games with frotz.

At first start a small base system is installed - desired packages can then be installed using the apt package manager. Access the built-in help by long-pressing anywhere on the terminal and selecting the Help menu option to learn more.

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