"Free therapy chat for stress relief, mindfulness and emotional healing
Wysa is your cute, emotional health buddy and well being tracker. It fits right in your pocket and provides emotional support with mood tracking, finding optimism, reframing thoughts (CBT) in easy-to-understand and friendly chats. Wysa, your happiness buddy is that friendly and caring chatbot. Wysa is packed with daily spiritual meditation that improves mental health and is also a perfect way to bond over family meditation. Wysa suggests meditation and mindfulness audios made easy based on your chats, so you feel better and stay relaxed. Wysa builds you your own personalized toolkit with tools for better coping with depression, anxiety, sleep issues and grief."
App Info:
App name : Wysa
Package Name : bot.touchkin
Apk Size : 10 MB
Version Name & Code : v2.5.9
More Info On Play Store : Click here
★★★ Mods ★★★
•Premium subscription unlocked
•All exercise will work without any restrictions
•Therapist feature won't work (server sided)
•Therapist tab removed from navigation
•Therapist shortcut removed from the chat activity
•Therapist feed card removed from the home screen
•Modded By ZackModz
•FirstOnNet Released By Rockmods
Note: If asking for purchase just ignore it, everything will work except therapist (as it is server based feature)
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