"a powerful and very fast web browser for m3u8 / mp4 / live & show video download"
App Info:
App name : Tincat Pro
Package Name : https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.netsky.vfat.pro
Apk Size : 6 MB
Version Name & Code : v4.1.7
More Info On Play Store : Click here
★★★ Mods ★★★
• Paid Patched (No Need of Lucky Patcher or Google Play Modded);
• Update Check/Popup Disabled;
• Trash Removed from Root Path of APK;
• Unwanted
Permissions/Services/Recievers/Providers Removed;
• Maximum Analytics/Crashlytics & Trackers Removed/Nullified from Java Classes;
• No Active Trackers or Advertisements;
• Debug Codes including corresponding .sources Tags Removed
• CPU Architecture- Universal/No Arch
• Languages- Multilingual
• Screen Dpi- Universal (m to xxx)
★ Modded By RBMods (Rockmods.net)
============== Note ==============
If You face download issue, or you want latest updates notifications, connect with us on facebook, whatsapp, telegram, youtube.
You have commented on Derrin post. I seen that.
DeleteEvery Modders Like TryRoom & Derrin are can't able to crack this Paid Patched working Modified version of this Tincat Pro... But You did. I appreciate your work for this. Kindly keep it up for latest versions of this.
ReplyDeleteThe Media button is still not working. So I am not updating the Mod.
DeleteYes, I have noticed this, Hope u will rectify this as soon as you can.
DeleteYes, I have noticed this, Hope u will rectify this as soon as you can.
DeleteIs it Possible to Mod Latest version of This Tincat Pro , ? If it is.... Then Kindly do the needful at the earliest ....
ReplyDeletethe application has an active license verification and the pro features didn't work
ReplyDeletelicense verification is activated, pro version didn't work
ReplyDeleteLatest version v4.5.0 is available on derrin post, please patch and modify
ReplyDeleteLatest Paid verson of Tincat Pro v4.5.0 is available on internet, will you please patched and modify this ?